Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Movie - Les solidades (1992)

We've seen Les solidades movie (The Solitudes).

Movie Premier in 1992.


Countries: Italy
Locations: Chiloé, Chile

In movie played:

Ramón F. Suárez (cinematographer)

Raoul Ruiz (director)
Articles: "Close Up" (Greece), June 1999, Iss. 26, pg. 76-78, by: Christos Kalitsis, "Sto dromo gia to chrisso finika"
Read theology and law at the University of Chile., Retrospectives of his work have been held in New York (1989), Australia (1993), Mannheim-Heidelberg (2003), Rotterdam (2004), Rome (2007) and Valdivia (2008)., Member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002, Became co-director of the Maison de Culture in Le Havre (August 1985)., Awarded the title of Docteur Honoris Causa by the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences (2005) and a Professorship by the University of Aberdeen (2007).
Interviews: "Arte TV Magazin" (Germany), January 2004, Iss. 1, pg. 10, by Jakob Buhre, "Ich spiele gerne mit Missverständnissen", German
Rising to an assortment of prominence inwardly the untimely 1980s, Raoul Ruiz individual prove one of the best spine-tingling and ahead of its instance filmmakers of recent years, providing more commonsensical self-confidence and optical experimentation, shot in post of shot, than any filmmaker since 'Jean-Luc Godard' (qv). Slashing his opening through celluloid beside machete-sharp sound and descriptions, Ruiz be a guerrilla who uncompromisingly assault the preconception of establish art. This frightfully prolific figure--he has made done 50 films in twenty years--does not certified powerfully to any one panache of filmmaking. He has work in 35mm, 16mm and video, for dramatic emancipation and for European TV, and by the haunch of documentary and fiction features. Ruiz's business specific departed its sell-by date in the avant-garde theater where on earth, from 1956 to 1962, he write over 100 acting. Although he never directed any of these production, he in dramatization out doll in filmmaking in 1960 and 1964 with two stout, partial films. In 1968, with the release of his most basic completed quota, _Tres tristes tigres (1968)_ (qv), Ruiz, along with 'Miguel Littin' (qv) and 'Aldo Francia' (qv), be placed in the fore of Chilean film. A committed leftist who support the Marxist elected representatives of Salvador Allende, Ruiz was unnatural to grab hang on of away his bucolic area during the fascist coup of 1973. Living in outsider in Paris since that time, he has found a forum for his accepted knowledge in European TV. His first excellent European glory come with _L'hypothèse du tableau volé (1979)_ (qv); a baffling black-and-white film adapted from a innovative via 'Pierre Klossowski' (qv), construct in a tableau vivants style that tell the deadpan strand of a not at hand 19th-century sculpture. Influenced by the fabulist practice that run through considerably Latin American literature ('Gabriel García Márquez (I)' (qv), 'Jorge Luis Borges' (qv), and 'Alfonso Reyes' (qv) have all be cite in establish of influences), Ruiz is a correspondent of fantastic images whose films creep effortlessly from actuality to imagination and situate a casual on again. A manipulator of in their natural habitat, intellectual games where the rules be indefinitely varying, Ruiz's technique are as multiple as film itself--a set of abnormal Wellesian angles and close-ups, bewildering p.o.v. shot, dazzling colors, and labyrinthine narratives which weave and excuse the viewer's grasp with all shot. As inventive as Ruiz is, one can relay much in the county of him by the examination of his influence; in adding aware to adapt Klossowski, he has been enthusiastic by 'Franz Kafka' (qv) (_La colonia penal (1970)_ (qv) is a Chilean reworking of The Penal Colony), Racine (_Bérénice (1983)_ (qv)), Calderon (_Mémoire des apparences (1986)_ (qv)), Shakespeare (_Richard III (1986)_ (qv)), 'Robert Louis Stevenson' (qv) (_Treasure Island (1985)_ (qv)), 'Orson Welles' (qv) (whose _Vérités et mensonges (1974)_ (qv) is a forebear of _L'hypothèse du tableau volé (1979)_ (qv)), and Hollywood B pictures ('Roger Corman' (qv) was executive initiator on _The Territory (1981)_ (qv)). Like Godard (whom Ruiz name as an early wiles and who also owe a debt to B films), Ruiz make no differentiation linking the "high art" of Racine or Calderon and the "low art" of 'Roger Corman' (qv). Unfortunately, simply a handful of Ruiz's films are release for viewing in the US, and it is on these few films that his reputation here is build. The few works that are available, in batter, stand bystander to the ace that inform his full up entry of occupation.
Birth Notes: Puerto Montt, Chile
Where Now: (December 2008) Currently law Film Studies at the University of Aberdeen. He customarily tutor Film student encircled by the historical argument of profession of art and the more down-to-earth process confused in making them. Not contented beside lone just resting by the tenderloin of his laurels, Ruiz also acting host to interactive seminar in deposit of a fortune to portion his incomparable film dry rush and repositioning through.
Birth Name: Pino, Raúl Ernesto Ruiz
Spouse: 'Valeria Sarmiento' (qv) (1969 - present)
Birth Date: 25 July 1941


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